International cooperation

2024, MoU on cooperation between the defence and security industries of Ukraine and Latvia

Photo: Cabinet of Ministers

International level:

UN co-operating on exchange of information


North Atlantic Treaty Organisation level:


NATO NIAG representing industry of Latvia

NATO Support Agency co-operating on exchange of information

NCIA co-operating on exchange of information


European Union level:


Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS) representing industry of Latvia

European Defence Agency (EDA) representing industry of Latvia


Bilaterial Memorandums of Understanding:


Czech Republic: Defence and Security Industry Association of the Czech Republic (DSIA)

Denmark: Danish Defence and Security Industries Association (FAD)

Finland: Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries (PIA)

South Korea: Korea Defense Industry Association (KDIA)

Taiwan: Taiwan Excellence Drone International Business Opportunities Alliance (TEDIBOA)

Ukraine: Ministry of Strategic Industries of Ukraine

United Kingdom: ADS Group

United States of America: National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA)


Trilaterial Memorandum of Understanding:


Estonia: Estonian Defence Industries Association (EDIA Estonia)

Lithuania:  Lithuanian Security and Defence Industries Association (LDSIA)