In June, 2015 members of FSDI Latvia started consultations with external experts and partners from the relevant ministries to develop Code of Ethics during a seminar «Dilemmas of Ethics in Industry». Discussions regarding the aim and the standard were going on, and the content of the Code of Ethics analysed both negotiated between members and consulted with partners (stakeholders).
Code of Ethics defines openness and transparency of the work of FSDI Latvia while creating responsible relationships with partners in Latvia and abroad, as well as with society at large, strengthening competitiveness of economy and security of Latvia.
Annual Meeting 2022 approved Members of the Ethic's Commission: Dr.chem.IngarsReinholds,leadingresearcheroftheInstituteofChemicalPhysicsoftheUniversityofLatviaa Māris Krievs, Member of the Board of METRUM and Kārlis Kostjukovs, Member of the Board of Citrus Solutions.
Code of Ethics describes a specific order in which are considered questions related to the violations and the practical implementation of the Code of Ethics.
Anyone is welcomed to report on possible violations or improvements of the Code of Ethics on the e-mail: kodekss (att), which is available to the members of the Ethics Commission!